Teaching Math the Classical Way w/ Kate Snow

Check out Kate Snow's Website: https://kateshomeschoolmath.com/!

You can purchase Kate's curricula, Math with Confidence and Facts that Stick on our website, welltrainedmind.com. 
  • (00:00) - Check out 4th Grade Math with Confidence!
  • (00:25) - Intro with Kate Snow
  • (02:28) - Kate's background
  • (06:30) - The problems with math curriculum
  • (12:23) - Ripping apart Saxon
  • (15:34) - Conceptual math vs procedural
  • (20:06) - Break
  • (20:55) - Math You See & manipulatives
  • (30:44) - Math with Confidence
  • (34:30) - Recommendations for teaching varying levels of math interest
  • (44:44) - Outro | Visit kateshomeschoolmath.com
Teaching Math the Classical Way w/ Kate Snow
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