Teaching Math the Classical Way w/ Kate Snow
Check out Kate Snow's Website: https://kateshomeschoolmath.com/!
You can purchase Kate's curricula, Math with Confidence and Facts that Stick on our website, welltrainedmind.com.
You can purchase Kate's curricula, Math with Confidence and Facts that Stick on our website, welltrainedmind.com.
- (00:00) - Check out 4th Grade Math with Confidence!
- (00:25) - Intro with Kate Snow
- (02:28) - Kate's background
- (06:30) - The problems with math curriculum
- (12:23) - Ripping apart Saxon
- (15:34) - Conceptual math vs procedural
- (20:06) - Break
- (20:55) - Math You See & manipulatives
- (30:44) - Math with Confidence
- (34:30) - Recommendations for teaching varying levels of math interest
- (44:44) - Outro | Visit kateshomeschoolmath.com